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I'm building community @ Groove🕺


Groove is the digital community space for creative entrepreneurs 🌎 We're the third place in the palm of your hand (we're a mobile app!) where you can join a 50-min coworking session with up to 3 other interesting humans whenever you'd like to get sh*t done. I'm the Head of Community, and boy, is it a good time! 😄

I joined the team as the first full-time hire in June 2021 and am proud and grateful to work alongside Groove's three incredible co-founders,
 creating a community-led product. I'm deeply passionate about making the world a less lonely place, specifically for those who have made the hard, courageous decisions to pave their own non-traditional career paths.

On Medium, you can catch me building in public, talking about new features to scale intimacy, why we aren't into vanity metrics, how I'm caring for myself as a community leader, a recap on my first year in this role, and more.

Wanna Groove? Click here and mention you found Groove through my site 🏄‍♀️ Check out how Groove works in 60 seconds. 

What else are you building in the community space?


I've designed and facilitated a bunch of powerful workshops and events...and still do! Psst, reach out 🙋🏻‍♀️ if you're looking for a speaker or facilitator. Learn more about the magic I can bring here



Ok, but what the heck did you do before Groove?

Prior to joining the Groove team, I built powerful learning experiences with best-selling author, Seth Godin.

I worked on a small team of six full-time employees in a studio model at Akimbo/altMBA.


I wore a bunch of hats and built a ton of projects, most of them were related to storytelling and community. I had the pleasure of working with leaders like Simon Sinek, Steven Pressfield, and Bernadette Jiwa.

Hands down, my favorite project I ever built in this role was The Emerging Leaders Program. It was a 5-day online leadership workshop for curious thinkers, ages 16-25. It was the cohort I wish I had in college to connect me with other entrepreneurial-minded young leaders. Across three different sessions, 350 young leaders from around the globe graduated, feeling empowered and prepared to lean into possibility and make change happen. Alumni went on to write books together, start businesses, create podcasts, begin their writing practices, and more. Listen to how powerful it was from the people who were there.

Another project I loved building was The Real Skills Conference, the first decentralized virtual conference of its kind (all about the audience instead of speakers)...and yes, I built it in 2019 before virtual conferences

were the cool...and only thing to do 😆 


Back then, Zoom didn't have the capacity for more than 100 people to be in a room with breakouts...imagine that! So, we hacked the system and I was in seven Zoom rooms at once to make it happen. It was truly a miracle.

The Head of Product at Zoom reached out to ask me how I did it 👀  

I hosted this conference four times, helping over 3,500+ attendees see things differently.

What else?

What else?! If you're really curious, send me a note and ask me about when I worked at a start-up that helped people speak for the first time, the community craft studio I sold my 'Sonder Connections' jewelry at, the ladybug rocks I spread across the east coast, or the rituals I created as a camp counselor.

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