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Craving Connection Gatherings

Meet others who are craving meaningful connection online. 


I've always loved hearing other people's stories and learning from their experiences...and am obsessed with the concept of sonder.

These Craving Connection Gathering Events are for people who are interested in sharing in community—people who are curious about connecting with others on another level.

This is a place of belonging for folks to show up with the intention to hold space for each other, be present, listen, and encourage each other to go deeper in their reflections. You'll likely meet people who share a like-heartedness; people who are curious, interested in self-reflection, eager to connect, lifelong learners, and supportive. These are people who know the power of connection from experiencing it first-hand and want to jump into the possibility of meeting new people from around the world. Together, we may find clarity about who we are, find the fuel to keep going, be inspired to take action, and make new friends.

Gathering Event Options

Show and Tell - BYOB (Bring Your Own Book) - 30 minutes

What's a book that's made a lasting impact on you? Perhaps, it's brought you a lot of joy, made you see things differently, connected with you on a personal level, or helped you through a tough time. It might be hard to just pick one book and that's ok - there are many possibilities! The beauty is you could come to this type of event multiple times and still have something to share and learn. It's BYOB...aka bring your own book. Everyone is highly encouraged to physically bring their books into the Zoom room if possible. This is a quick event; only 30 minutes. Perhaps, you'll join us during your lunch break or after you wrap up work for the day. Let's explore books that have touched each of us. Get ready to add to your reading list after this event! 

Upcoming dates: Stay tuned

Want to understand more of the story behind this event idea, check out the video I shared on LinkedIn when I first started these.

Campfire Storytelling - 90 minutes

Let's cut the small talk and instead have meaningful conversations that help us really get to understand each other on a human level. The types of stories we might have on a beautiful starry night after a long day of hiking a mountain together. The ones that usually include the phrases, "This one time" and "I remember when". This 90-minute event is a chance to share stories about things we haven't thought about in a while (like positive memories) or maybe have never thought about on a deep level before—things that tell us a lot about who we are, how we see the world, and our values. I'll bring the questions...and no, I won't share them ahead of time. Part of the fun is in the moment of, "Hm, what's the first thing that comes to mind right now?" There's no one right answer to the questions. This is about you and your stories. There's so much magic in not knowing what's coming, so I'll leave the rest a mystery. 


Upcoming dates: Stay tuned

What's the format like?


When you enter a Craving Connection Gathering, it's like entering a party. Everyone will come into the Zoom space, get settled in, and say hello to each other while boppin' around to some music. You're welcome to bring your own snack/beverage. I'll begin by sharing some intentions for our time together and probably sharing a brief story...I love telling stories! Then, we'll dive into the connection side of things. This is when the fun really begins. The majority of the gathering will be spent in small breakout groups of 4-5 people - I'll share some guiding questions that will spark inspiration and conversation. Then, we'll come together as a large group to find themes and dig deeper. If you're joining one of the longer form events, you'll repeat this breakout room and reflection process a few times while getting the chance to interact with new people.

What have past attendees said?

"Taylor Harrington is early in the wave of turning online spaces into scalable solutions for bringing social support and human connectedness into our lives. Our greatest experiences are with our collision with others, and that's what you'll get here, on a level of intimacy you don't know in your daily life." - Joe Wehbe


"Be brave and come meet some new people. Taylor is an outstanding host and you will feel right away as if you belong. You will laugh more than you think." - Kim LeClair


"Connection built not around performance or posturing but around genuine connections and unexpected storytelling." - Dana Ray

"A feel-good, joyful, literary escape during the workday! The world needs more moments like these to connect about things that lift us up." - Vanessa Thomas

"A great way to connect, listen, participate and tell campfire stories from the comfort of your home." - David Williams

Future dates?

If these dates don't work or you're curious about joining us for a different type of gathering, click here. I'll send you an email as soon as the next gathering is on the calendar!

These events are free.

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